Meet Anthony

Anthony McClain is the Marketing Director of the child life-saving system known as VIKIE (Vehicle Integrated Kid in Emergency). Anthony McClain has lived in N.C. for thirty-nine years. He has a diploma in Computer Networking from the college of ECPI (2001). He is presently studying Business at WTCC in Raleigh, N.C. He is a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success. His professional interests include marketing and law. Anthony has fifteen years of business experience. He has owned his own transportation business for 15 years. He established a summer Boot Camp for children in 2012, which teaches the principles of respect, honor, and appreciation, the keys to success. Anthony has acquired skills in customer service, networking, and team building through his ten years in sales.

Anthony truly believes that VIKIE is the answer to help stop the climb of child and pet vehicular heatstroke deaths.

Contact Anthony at:

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Web Design by Derek Scarborough

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