Mission of VIKIEtm

VIKIE Mission Statement (Technospeak):

"The Vehicle Integrated Kid In Emergency (VIKIE) system will provide an autonomous, electronic, embedded system that will detect, monitor, and provide safety measures for kids and/or pets trapped in vehicles via its various transducers, microcontrollers, and multiple communication channels. VIKIE is both reactive (Codename: 5|>4|274/\/) and proactive (VIKIE) and is also a completely redundant system. Thus, VIKIE functions as a powerful electronic guardian that is not easily disabled and once fully engaged, will not stop until safety measures have been achieved."

VIKIE Mission Statement (Layperson):

"The VIKIE system will save kids and/or pets lives that have been left or trapped in vehicles. VIKIE is not and will not function as a vehicle babysitter. VIKIE doesn't care why a child or pet is alone in the vehicle. VIKIE only cares if a child (up to certain weights) has been detected and determined to be alone. Once VIKIE determines a child, pet, or feeble individual has been left alone, it will leave its proactive state and enter its reactive state that will begin a perpetual loop in regards to alarms including messages to the driver, visual external alarms, and escalating up to 911 (providing location coordinates) if necessary."

"VIKIE doesn't only care about heatstrokes either. For instance, if a child within a predetermined weight frame is detected/determined to be alone, VIKIE will follow a predetermined timer to begin notifying others of said child being left alone; beginning with driver notifications, other external alarms for passersby, and escalating up to 911 if necessary. Also, it is not possible to use the VIKIE smartphone app to turn off VIKIE either; thus eliminating the possibility of using VIKIE as a babysitter. Once alarms are engaged, VIKIE is done and the aforementioned separate system begins which can only be disarmed/reset by physically opening door and thus rescuing the child or pet or feeble individual."

VIKIE Mission Statement (All):

"VIKIE's sole mission is to save lives of kids, pets, and any feeble individual left alone in vehicles."

© 2014–2015, VIKIE, Inc.
Web Design by Derek Scarborough

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